January 2022
The Liverpool Diocesan Council for Social Aid (LDCSA), including Adelaide House Approved Premises, has concerned itself with social justice for nearly 200 years.
As a Charity whose vision is to see potential realised and hope restored for lives impacted by the criminal justice system, we recognise that the current climate emergency also calls for justice, hope and transformation.
The UK government has set a climate target to reduce carbon emissions by 78% by 2035 (from 1990 levels). Today, 29th January 2022, 78 days from the end of COP26, we as a Charity declare a climate emergency because:
The world is facing a severe crisis of environmental degradation and climate change.
The main cause of the crisis is human activity;
The crisis is linked to global injustices and inequality; and
The crisis indicates our failure to follow God's mandate to care for the world and its species, to seek justice among its peoples and to love our neighbour.
Paul Holt, Chair of Trustees, said “We cannot say we are a charity working towards social justice and without recognising how our carbon and resource use impacts others in our communities. The climate crisis is not only about the health of our planet but is effectively a community crisis, impacting vulnerable people around the world.
As a faith based charity we are called to love our neighbour and care for the environment we’ve been given. By declaring a Climate Emergency today, we recognise the environmental crisis the world is facing. We commit ourselves to grow in understanding of it, adapt our activities, and encourage others we partner with, so that together we can alleviate the effects of climate change - together we rise.”
The charity’s staff and Trustees, with support from service users and stakeholders, have committed to the ambitious target of becoming carbon neutral by 2026.
Rev Mike Coates, Trustee and Climate Emergency Lead said, “As a community of staff and Trustees we don’t want to delay in responding to this climate emergency. We will be looking at everything we do, including our plans to develop Adelaide House, to make sure we reduce our carbon impact, and use the charities resources to continue to care well for our service users and also for the environment.”
See the link for a full copy of our Climate Emergency Declaration.